JCI Asia-Pacific Conference (ASPAC) am 06.06.2024

Angkor, Kambodscha
(Google Maps)

Anmeldung unter https://2024jciaspac-angkor.com/


The 2024 JCI ASPAC, Angkor, Cambodia is not just another area conference in which  global active citizens meet to empower one  another and discuss how to connect and collaborate to make positive changes and  bring long-lasting peace in the region; it is  also a new, unique, opportunity for all  delegates to synergize for further sustainable  development across border. We will meet to  prove and witness the spirit of “Brotherhood of men transcend the sovereignty of nations.”  

This 2024 JCI Asia-Pacific Area Conference will be held from June 06th – 09th, 2024, Siem Reap, Cambodia

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